I think the below question warrants some discussion about it's fit within Bioacoustics Stack Exchange. There is the start of some discussion in the comments but I thought it might be better to ask it here for future reference (Thanks for starting that discussion @Amandine)
Is there any bioacoustics research team(s) in New York City (USA)?
I'm a science journalist in New York City (USA) interested in reporting on bioacoustics research. Does anyone know of (or do!) any bioacoustic research in or near New York City (~3-hr drive)?
This question is what I might categorize as an ‘networking’ type of question (why I added the 'outreach' tag…but see edit below, going to remove it) and it's purpose seems more to make connections with particular people for a very specific purpose, rather than a Q/A that would be useful to a broader audience in the future. Because of this I would lean towards it being off-topic for BSE.
However, it received some good answers, that have received some upvotes. So maybe it is something the community sees a need for.
My questions are:
(1) Should this type of question be allowed?
(2a) if YES - is the tag 'outreach' good or should we come up with some other way of identifying these questions as different from maybe more technical questions that have a clear specific answer. Should these types of questions immediately become community wikis (maybe tied to this discussion) or no because answers may change over time and the info may be "old news" years in the future.
(2b) if NO - how should we respectfully, and kindly, respond. Should we point the asker to other resources or have some text that we can use when closing the question that does not discourage future participation on BSE but fully explains why their question was closed.
I removed the text referring to this as an ‘outreach’ question because that is more broad of a category than I wanted to cover in this question. Instead I called it a 'networking' type question.